We aim to establish sustainable long-term programme business and work closely with our customers from specification and product design through to supporting their marketing efforts. We do this by working with the leading experts in the catching, aquaculture and processing sectors of our industry. Our hands on owners have invested in land based farming and white fish production and processing to deepen our ties and access to resource. These deep and broad connections give us, and by default our customers, unrivalled access to the very best of Iceland.

Our Quality Promise

We are only ever as good as our last delivery. A hands-on approach, staying close to the raw material and production, and good, proactive communication with our suppliers ensures that we deliver against the specifications that we agree with our customers. We attend production runs and capture extensive records and images. In the rare occasions were issues do arise Icemar is proactive in addressing them fairly and in the spirit of partnership.

A broad reach

Although our products arise from the surrounding oceans of an island in the middle of the North Atlantic, our distribution and logistics give us a Global reach. Our skilled and experienced logistics department ensures that goods are delivered on time to our customers, whether they are in mainland Europe, the UK or in North America.